What’s Buzzing at Venice Film Festival 2024 So Far

The 81st Venice Film Festival, a long-standing hallmark of global cinema, once again transformed the serene Lido into a whirlwind of cinematic premieres, celebrity appearances, and critical debate.

Running from August 28 to September 7, 2024, the Venice Film Festival has once again brought together a variety of films, offering a mix of hits and misses.

One of the standout films this year was “The Brutalist,” a biographical epic starring Adrien Brody and Felicity Jones. Critics praised it for its powerful storytelling and striking visuals, earning it a solid five-star rating. With many praising the film’s artistic approach, are expecting this film to be a strong contender for major awards this season.

However, not every film met such high expectations. “Wolfs,” which starred Brad Pitt and George Clooney, didn’t live up to the hype. Despite the star power, the film was labeled as a disappointing, uninspired buddy movie and received just two stars. Critics felt it lacked the charm and originality expected from such well-known actors.

Angelina Jolie’s “Maria,” where she portrayed opera legend Maria Callas, also underwhelmed. Critics thought her performance leaned too much toward parody, failing to capture the depth of the real-life figure.

On the other hand, Nicole Kidman’s “Babygirl” received much more favorable reviews. Playing a CEO caught in a scandal, Kidman’s daring performance and the film’s bold narrative were praised, earning it four stars.

This year’s festival also saw a return of more explicit themes in cinema. Films like “Queer,” directed by Luca Guadagnino, and “Babygirl” embraced themes of sexuality and personal freedom. The festival’s artistic director, Alberto Barbera, noted this shift, marking a trend toward bolder storytelling in film.

There was also a lot of buzz surrounding Pedro Almodóvar’s English-language debut, “The Room Next Door,” starring Tilda Swinton and Julianne Moore. Fans of Almodóvar have been waiting for years to see him tackle a film in English, and Venice provided the perfect stage for this milestone in his career.

Other films, like “Jouer avec le feu” with Vincent Lindon, and “The Order,” starring Jude Law, also received attention for their intense subject matter and strong performances.

In addition, out-of-competition films like “Beetlejuice Beetlejuice” and “Baby Invaders” offered lighter, more eccentric fare, keeping the festival’s lineup varied.

The Golden Lion (Leone d’Oro) is the highest award presented to a film at the Venice Film Festival, recognized as one of the most prestigious accolades in the film industry.

As of now, the winner of the Golden Lion for the 2024 Venice Film Festival has not been announced. The award will be presented during the closing ceremony on September 7, 2024.


As part of the Venice Biennale, the festival, established in 1932, aims to promote international cinema in all its forms, fostering a spirit of freedom and dialogue among filmmakers and audiences alike.

Today, it has become a significant event in the global film calendar, attracting attention from the film industry, critics, and cinephiles worldwide.

One attendee summed it up best: “It’s a festival of contrasts-some films soar, others stumble, but that’s the beauty of it. You never know what’s going to stick with you.”

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