October As A Pinktober

October has been internationally recognized as the National Breast Cancer Awareness Month declared by major charities and organizations working for this specific cause and helping in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of this disease. One main purpose of promoting this cause is to raise funds to help those patients struck with breast cancer. Pink ribbon is the universal symbol for breast cancer awareness; which is worn by international players, stars and celebrities for maximum awareness.
Every year, millions are funded to research in process of early diagnosis techniques and more effective treatments for breast cancer. Early diagnosis is very important for preventing deaths by breast cancer. Most used technique now a day is mammography which is a type of X-ray which locates tumors in breast area. Women of age 40 and above should necessarily go through mammogram procedure every year so that they can detect cancerous tumors in early stages.

To this day, breast cancer is second most common cause of death among women by any disease. But, with credible treatments, it can be avoided. There are three most commonly adopted methods by doctors named as: radiation therapy, lumpectomy and mastectomy. In radiation therapy, powerful radioactive waves are used to kill cancerous cells. Lumpectomy is the removal of only the tumor itself and harmed tissues around it to prevent it from spreading. In case everything fails, whole breast matter has to be removed in order to prevent death by cancer which is called mastectomy.

Nutrition is very important factor in developing breast cancer tumor. Highly saturated foods such as beef, cheeses and ice-creams should be avoided and intake of fish and vegetarian products should be increased. If you’re a woman and you crossed your forties and found some abnormality in your breasts then you should rush to your surgeon immediately for diagnostic tests and avoid anything leading to further devastation.
Chemotherapy and other radioactive methods are very common in treating cancer. Going through these tests, a patient loses body hair. Most of these require mental therapy sessions to overcome underwhelming feeling of being different from a normal human being. Today, free for all support groups are present worldwide which not only morally support you but also help you raise funds in case of neediness. They should know that they’re not fighting this alone. The whole world stands with them.
Most deaths by breast cancer occur in under-developed countries due to lack of awareness and late recognition of cancerous tumor present in breasts. It is need of the hour to provide sufficient education in these areas and providing assistance to those who can’t afford it. There are no definitive signs of breast cancer so it’s really difficult to find presence of breast tumor in a woman.
Women should be taught all self-exams for diagnosing breast cancer and more medical students should be involved to help boost treatment procedures for this virus. The pink ribbon symbol broke taboo of shyness among women to discuss breast related illness and helped millions of them to fight against cancer. October has been redefined as Pinktober owing to committing efforts made by supportive organizations all around the globe and the powerful women facing this sickening disease with much power.