Nataliya Model

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Nataliya Zab is an international model working in the field since the age of 14. Pakistan in vogue got a chance to take her exclusive interview in our magazine for her fans to know more about her.

  • What made you first become a model?

Hello it’s a pleasure to answer your questions about modeling work and life. To become a model it’s about my own charismata, good proportions, tall, love for fashion and beauty world. To correspond to standards, to be healthy inside, drink and eat healthy food, do fitness, to know what to wear and how carry of myself by keeping tonus for the body, face, hair and skin healthy.

  • How long have you been working in this field?

I start modeling from the age of 14 years old.


  • How did you feel when you did your first ever fashion show or photo shoot?

I feel very good, beautiful, interesting, want to continue in this field.

  • What did your parent first think of you being a model and where they supportive?

They always support me with them love, caring, a financial part until fashions shows start giving me a results.

  • If you were not a model, what other profession would you have been doing instead?

I would be a Fashion designer.


  • What beauty tips do you swear by?

Beauty tips it’s about to be positive, real beauty comes from inside, beautiful soul and mind. You should have healthy skin first of all. Skin must be always on top and caring.

  • Any message for your fans?

For fans wish u guys stay positive.




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