LINEAPELLE: Globally Luxury Leather Supplier

Who knew this 7,000 years old method of drying and tanning animal skin would become a key line of textile industry. Talking about leather and other manufactured luxuries from leather. Exhibiting  goods made up of leather has been the latest buzz because LINEAPELLE winter collection exhibition is around the corner. Lineapelle is considered to be the most worthy international exhibition dedicated to luxuries and goods of leather. All this time Lineapelle has been known for its high quality demand and bringing novelty in making leather.

Lineapelle was initially started in 1981, since then it has become the most qualified international exhibition of leather and accessories, components, synthetics goods, leather accessories, garments, and furniture. This event takes place twice a year, one in February for the summer collection and the second in September for the winter collection, at the Milan exhibition centre which is scheduled on 2-4 October, 19.

Rewind to Lineapelle’s latest SS20 exhibition, solely based on unity of technology with human as symbionts, making it no longer a comparison of two. The concept behind SS20 exhibition was Co-natural. Co-natural in a sense of taking technology and nature side by side, presenting a revolutionary change and innovative concept. The colour concept is groundless and can go beyond the boundries of targets. Colours are built upon emotions to create subtle harmony and make it aesthetically pleasing.

Lineapelle SS20 has been a reference point for the global fashion & luxury supply chain which confirms the sustainability, innovation and guaranteed international dimension. It took place at Fieramilano Rho from 20 to 22 February, had the pleasure to embrace 1,255 exhibitors from 49 countries to an exhibition area covering 47,500 square metres, fusingcits identity as the most worth the while exhibition having diversity of global culture.

According to news, “Lineapelle96 has increased the presence of client companies (+1% on the February 2018 edition), coming from a greater number of countries: 114. Significant growth in visiting companies from Portugal (+6%), the United States (+6%), France (+2%), the United Kingdom (+2%), Switzerland (+8%), India (+7 %), China (+ 2%), Japan (+ 19%) and Russia (+ 29%).” Countries around the globe wait enough to get registered at Lineapelle and we wish Pakistan to be another emerging country at Lineapelle W/20 exhibition at Milan.

THE MARKET DIMENSION: Lineapelle96 reaffirmed its undisputed global leadership, offering its stakeholders the real opportunity – as declared by the majority of its exhibitors – to meet customers that are

“really interested: the brands that are doing well are working, especially on quality.”

Next exhibition, Lineapelle97 will take place in October, from Wednesday 2 to Friday 4, for the edition that will showcase the samples for the 2020/2021 winter season and during which the second edition of Lineapelle Innovation Square will be hosted.


For now lets just cross fingers for the event and look forward to have Pakistan being one of the exhibitors at Lineapelle Winter exhibition!

Photo Courtesy by : Lineapelle

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