Omar Mansoor

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Omar Mansoor

LFW Spring/Summer ’23

” Margilan”

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Omar Mansoor inaugurates the 18th presence in the London Fashion Week with his collection titled,



The collection is made in shades of black with trimmings made from multi-colour hand-woven Ikat fabric sourced from Uzbekistan.

The colour black represents the confidence, assurance and vividness with multi-colour trimmings and sleeves are depicting vibrancy.

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Ikat is a unique textile which is patterned by dyeing the threads before weaving by using environmentally-friendly dyes. Since old days, city of Margilan has been famous for its wonderful and fine silk. Via the Great Silk Road traders brought Margilanian silk to Cairo and Athens.

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As a campaigner of sustainability in fashion, Omar uses fabrics made up of a mix of new and recycled fibres in this collection as a means to care about our planet and the future of the fashion industry. This is also as a step towards shifting fashion from a linear to a circular model.


This evening wear collection consists of puffed sleeves, short length dresses to full length gowns that can be glamorously graced up by adding the right accessories.


This year, Omar Mansoor’s collection was presented physically as well as digitally, at The Royal HorseGuards London Hotel.


Instagram: @omar.mansoor

Twitter: @omarmansoor

Photos: Shahid Malik

Illustrations: Jazmine Cant



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