FPW Cheena Chhapra’s-Reality Ramp

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Fashion Pakistan Week 2018 experienced something novel and unique this time. It saw the real Pakistani women walk the ramp for Cheena Chhapra’s quintessential collection. What was considered to be the sacred path of slender and svelte models saw women of varied ages, from salt and pepper to highlighted hair, from buxom belles to expectant mom trail blazing the ramp in their own unique confident fashion.

These were women that you come across in your daily life. Women who are role models for society in their respective fields be it teaching, accounting, law, journalism, culinary, media or entrepreneurship.

The entire credit for this paradigm shift goes to Cheena, who reinstated the importance of catering to fashion needs of the vast variety of women who are not of the enviable size zero.

Women who embrace their figures with confidence and who still desire to be fashionable. At same time, Cheena’s collection comprised of phulakari, block print, chuniri and chicken kari.

It brought to light how exquisite our heritage apparel is but which is fast becoming extinct. There is a need to preserve this art and take pride in it as a nation.

In all, the catwalk by these highly self-confident and accomplished women showcasing the fusion of our traditional attire with contemporary cuts stole the show and shall be remembered for long in the history of fashion.

Written by :

Ms. Moneeza Usman Butt

Partner, Audit and Assurance

KPMG in Pakistan

Photography by : Naveid Siddiqui 

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