‘Blue Butterfly’ Music by Danyal Zafar !

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Danny Zee (Danyal Zafar) makes a groundbreaking International debut with the release of Blue Butterfly’s Music Video. This is the first time a Pakistani born-and-raised has flown across to the West and made such an impactful piece of work. It is being lauded not only at home, but also overseas, with Danny being featured on high-tier entertainment blogposts and websites, such as CelebMix, who are known for featuring A-List Western artists and celebrities. Could this be that we bear witness to the first ever Pakistani born and raised to make a break-through in the Western market? Watching Blue Butterfly’s video surely makes it seem likely!


Song Writing & Production & Video Editing: Danny Zee @danyalzee

Directed by: Ash Gupta @ashguptaslife

Starring: Inja Zalta @zainja


#Dannyzee #Danyalzafar #international #bluebutterfly #blues #rythm #music #pakistan #usa #hollywood #songoftheday #ceilingbreaker #chartbuster #Pakistaninvogue

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