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As we experience the news for data about the COVID-19 ejection and obediently participate in social Ddistancing. Taking a chance with their lives in the midst of the coronavirus flare-up, specialists and paramedics in Pakistan’s different isolation units and wards held for coronavirus patients are pursuing an epic fight.

They are doing this in spite of the way that not every one of them have gotten sufficient Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) like particular garbs, veils and other defensive equipments.

it’s great to see that in these extreme times everybody is joined together and having their impact every which way to secure and help other people in the environment. our celebrities utilizing their ability, stages, and big hearts by helping other people in different manners. Their endeavors demonstrate that there’s bounty we can do to help have any kind of effect and fight against novel corona virus. The only way we can contain the spread of corona virus is on the off chance that we take individual and aggregate duty.

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Asim Jofa being beneficial with his talent in this noble cause, alongside his team has concocted extraordinary protective gear for clinical staff that benevolently keeps on working in hospitals so as to treat patients experiencing Covid-19, with in 48 hours.

In a video uploaded on Instagram, the designer indicated what the primary texture and fabric model of the protective suit looked like, all while stretching out appreciation to his team for bailing him out in this noble cause.

The aim is to disseminate these suits and masks so as to help those battling this pandemic on the bleeding edges. his commitment is an extraordinary gesture right now we can’t deny the day and night endeavors of our primary care doctors to face against this conflict.

“Our mission is to produce self-protection suits and masks for medical staff and doctors. We want to distribute these free of cost to help them,” explained Jofa, adding, “We have followed all norms of protection required.”

In his video message, he said that he needs to disseminate these self-assurance suits and masks to all the clinical staff liberated from cost.

The Executive Director at Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Center Dr. Seemin and her team has endorsed the example Mr. Jofa appeared and the production will be beginning from today, told Asim Jofa.

He further included that it is satisfying to such an extent that everyone is putting forth attempts at their finishes to battle the fatal malady. As per him, if individuals assume liability at an individual or aggregate level to battle against the disease than there are chances that the spread can be controlled.


Then again, the provincial government has likewise allowed to open cattle markets so the stockpile of meat don’t stop.

“We have successfully created a final prototype of a medical protective suit made according to the guidelines provided by medical experts,” wrote Jofa, adding that the design had also been approved by Dr. Seemin Jamali, Executive Director at JPMC.

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