ATSC Is A Consistent Platform For Multi-Lateral Ties Between Countries With Regard To Textile.

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ATS is a platform where multiple countries connect to each other through textile show. ATSC Trade organizations connect: Canada, China, India, Bangladesh, Ghana, Turkey, Peru and United States.


ATSC Trade Organizations:


  • Canadian Apparel Federation (CAF)
  • Trade Facilitation Office (TFO)
  • The Conference Board of Canada


  • Chamber of Commerce to Import, and Export of Textile and Apparel (CCCT)


  • Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI)
  • Wool & Woolens Export Promotion Council (WWEPC)
  • The Indian Silk Export Promotion Council (ISEPC)


  • Bangladesh Export Promotion Bureau (EPB)
  • The Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA)
  • Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers & Exporters Association (BKMEA)
  • Bangladesh Textile Mills Association (BTMA)





  • Ghana Export Promotion Authority


  • Istanbul Apparel Exporters Association (IHKIB)


  • Trade Peru United States

United States

  • Fashion Industry Association (USFIA)

ATS 2019 Canada Show Was Palpable Success

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ATS was great successful Canada textile show the whole team was happy from the consistent traffic on the show floor to the energy at the Fashion Lab area and Seminar Series, the enthusiasm and excitement were noticeable.

The day one focused on sourcing and global trade with a focus on tariffs and policies that have shaped the current and future landscape of the North American Market. First up was Bob Kirke, The executive Director of the Canadian Apparel Federation. His Keynote, titled “Canadian Apparel and Textile Trade Policy Update 2019” focused on the current state of Canadian Trade Policies, and how they influence Brands and Retailers. After there was a second Keynote and fireside chat with Julies Hughes, Mr. Kirke’s US Counterpart and President of the United States Apparel Industry Association (USFIA). Together they went into a more in-depth discussion about the US Tariffs, trade policies enacted by the current administration and how they affect the apparel sector in North America.



Day’s two and three included Keynotes and Panels from Candian and American Apparel Executives from WRAP, TESTEX, Go Global Brand Investment Platform, Giant Tiger, The Ghana Export Promotion Authority, TFO Canada and delegates representing our country pavilions from Bangladesh, India, Peru, Ghana, and Turkey. Click Here to see a full list of the Seminars and Panels featured at ATS Canada 2019.

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These sub-sections of the show floor include sourcing hotspots such as China, Bangladesh, India, Peru, Ghana, Turkey, and North America. Trade organizations from these regions provide attendees a valuable resource for expanding their sourcing operations to the regions of the world that caters to their individual needs.

Apparel Textile Sourcing – Pakistan

S. Zubair Ali

Mobile: +92-321-8284900


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