20th Bridal Couture week- A true visual delight for fashion enthusiasts

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20th Bridal Couture week- A true visual delight for fashion enthusiasts

The 20th edition of the prestigious fashion event, Pantene Hum Bridal Couture Week 2022 was recently held in the fashion-forward city of Lahore, and what a show it was! Over three days, a stunning array of bridal looks from some of the most renowned fashion designers in the country were showcased.  Team Pakistan In Vogue was in attendance, and it was truly something to behold.

On day one, Ali Haider, Deepak and Fahad, Fahad Hussain, Haris Shakeel, Kanwal Malik, Muneeb Nawaz, Reema Ahsan, Shoaib Ismail and Zonia Anwar offered their unique vision of bridal couture in a captivating show.

02-Reema Ahsan Day-1 (4) 03-Rizwan Beyg (6) 04-Abeera Usman 2 (3) 10-Maha Wajahat (1)
05-Zonia Anwaar Day-1 (4) 06-Zonia Anwaar Day-1 (1)
08-Haris Shakeel Day-1 (1)
11-Maha Wajahat (3) 12-Maha Wajahat (4)
13-Kanwal Malik Day-1 (1) 16-Abeera Usman 2 (2)

Day two saw Abeera Usman, Hamza Malik, Maha Wajahat, Nailas, Uzair Ali, Shaffer, Shahid Afridi, Souchaj, Tayab Moazam and Uzma Babar take to the runway with dazzling creations.

Finally, on day three Ahsan’s Menswear, Humayun Alamgir, Mehdi, Rizwan Beyg, Shakeel’s by Zeeshan and Danish, Shamsha Hashwani and Sheeba Kapadia presented stunning collections that awed the audience.

With intricate embroidery, flowing silhouettes and show-stopping details, every look was a masterpiece in itself. The event was a success with each designer creating beautiful pieces that stole the show. Whether you are looking for some fashionable bridal inspiration or just want to take a peek at what the stars wore, PHBCW 2022 did not disappoint!

18-Sheeba Kapadia (3) 19-uzma (4)
20-Tayab Moazzam Studio (8) 22-Shoaib Ismail (4) 21-uzma (1) 23-Tayab Moazzam Studio (7)
24-Shamsha Hashwani (1) 26-Nailas (1) 29-Tayab Moazzam Studio (1)
34-Shoaib Ismail (3) 35-Souchaj (1)
38-Kanwal Malik Day-1 (4) 40-Tayab Moazzam Studio (5) 41-Shamsha Hashwani (2) 41-Shamsha Hashwani (4) 43-Shamsha Hashwani (3) 47-Nailas (5)
48-Nailas (7) Kanwal Malik Day-1 (2)
49-Haris Shakeel Day-1 (2) 50-Zonia Anwaar Day-1 (2)

It was a captivating experience, and Team Pakistan in Vogue had the pleasure of being part of this fashion-filled extravaganza. Undoubtedly, PHBCW 2022 didn’t just celebrate bridal couture but also set a new standard for fashion in Pakistan.

With breathtakingly beautiful designs and ideas to offer, Bridal Couture Week in Lahore provided the perfect opportunity for brides to get up-to-date on all the latest trends! We can’t wait to see what the next edition of this iconic event has in store!



Video Courtesy by :  faisalsatti – YouTube

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